- Navigate to the left sidebar and click on General to expand the General Settings.
- Click on the the Roles. Upon clicking on the Roles, a table which displays all Roles is displayed.
- To add a new role click on Add button. Upon clicking the Add button a drawer will be opened on the right side of the platform.
- On the drawer enter the following information:
- Code
- Description
- Set status (active or passive)
- Set permissions by selecting one or more permission options such as:
- Dashboard or any of its subtypes
- People or any of its subtypes
- Profile or any of its subtypes
- Clockin or any of its subtypes
- Reports or any of its subtypes
- Device or any of its subtypes
- QR Code or any of its subtypes
- Whitelist Number or any of its subtypes
- Time-sheet or any of its subtypes
- Request or any of its subtypes
- Settings or any of its subtypes
- Click Save button.
*Please note that 4 Roles (Admin, Payroll-Admin, Manager and Employee) are created by default, and cannot be changed or deleted. These are system generated employee types.