- Navigate to the left sidebar and click on General. Upon clicking on General, a view that lists master company’s global settings will be shown.
- On the displayed view you can create or edit the following information which affects the whole company such as:
- Employee number length. By entering a number you can set the length of employee number for the whole company.
- Default Employee Number.
- Incorporation Countries. Here you can add the countries where the company is incorporated.
- Select Default Language (drop-down).
- Company Name.
- Select Timezone (drop-down).
- Select Time Format (drop-down).
- Select Date Format (drop-down).
- Select Start Day. In order to set the starting day of the working week for the company, one day must be selected from the drop-down options.
- Select Currency (drop-down).
- Enter Max Shift Length Minutes. By entering a number here you set the maximum length for a shift to be allowed. If the employee’s shift lasts longer than the time allowed here, the clock resets to 0, and starts counting from the beginning. This is used to prevent long shifts when employee forgets or cannot clock out for some reason.
- Select Modules. Here you can select the SimpliTime modules that your company wants to use.
- Executive payroll email address
- Click Save button.
How to configure General Settings?
Updated on January 10, 2023